
Memberships Quickstart

With memberr Memberships, you can segment your customers based on their purchasing behavior and offer them exclusive benefits depending on their membership.

memberr membership page overview

The core values that determine wether a customers is eligible for a membership are:

  1. How much revenue a customer has generated
  2. The timeframe within which a customer must generate the revenue
  3. Whether the revenue generated by the customer has an expiry date


ActiveDetermines whether the membership is active and visible to your customers.
NameThe name of the membership.
Revenue thresholdThe revenue amount the customer must generate in the qualification period.
Qualification periodThe period in days during which the revenue must be generated.
Membership expiresDetermines if the membership expires after a certain period of time.
Membership durationIf the membership exires: Defines the duration of the membership in days.

Membership Benefits

Membership benefits can be individually defined for each membership.

Cashback OverrideCreate a seperate and destinct cashback program for members.
Referral OverrideCreate a seperate and destinct referrral program for members.
Free ShippingProvide free shipping to members.
Free ProductSet a product that members gets for free with every new order.
Order DiscountSet a discount that members gets on every order.
Product DiscountDiscount on specific products for members.
Birthday GiftA birthday gift on every birthday of a member.
Anniversary GiftA gift on every anniversary - the day the member got the membership.