
Displaying Store Credit

Memberr makes it easy for you to display Store Credit at all the right places. Places include:

  1. On the Product Page
  2. In your Cart
  3. At checkout
  4. In Customer Accounts
  5. On any page of your store
  6. In emails
  • For custom store front integrations, use the memberr sdk



On the Product Page


display Store Credit t1tan product page display Store Credit t1tan product page


display Store Credit t1tan product page display Store Credit t1tan product page


display Store Credit t1tan product page display Store Credit t1tan product page

In Cart Drawer

Example molecular

display Store Credit cart drawer molecular display Store Credit cart drawer molecular

Example T1tan

display Store Credit cart drawer t1tan display Store Credit cart drawer t1tan

At checkout

Let's look at an example from t1tan:

{% if customer.metafields['memberr-v1'].store_credit_balance.value.current %}
{% assign current_store_credit_balance = customer.metafields['memberr-v1'].store_credit_balance.value.current
| minus: 0
{% else %}
{% assign current_store_credit_balance = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if customer and current_store_credit_balance > 0 %}
{% assign current_store_credit_balance_formatted = current_store_credit_balance | money %}
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; padding: 1rem var(--gutter); padding-top: 0;">
{{- 'cart.general.apply_store_credit' | t: amount: current_store_credit_balance_formatted -}}
initial-state="{%- if cart.attributes.memberr_apply_store_credit == 'Yes' -%}true{%- else -%}false{%- endif -%}"
() => {
if (window.location.pathname === window.theme.routes.cartUrl) {
} else {
new CustomEvent('theme:cart:reload', {
bubbles: true,
bubbles: true,
{% endif %}

display Store Credit checkout t1tan display Store Credit checkout t1tan display Store Credit checkout t1tan

In emails

display Store Credit in_emails club of comfort display Store Credit checkout t1tan display Store Credit checkout t1tan display Store Credit checkout t1tan

In Customer Account

display Store Credit checkout lykke and you display Store Credit checkout my dartpfeil display Store Credit checkout my t1tan display Store Credit checkout my t1tan

On any page of your store