
memberr Shopify Flow Integration

memberr shopify flow

This documentation details the configuration and usage of Memberr's store credit and review reward automation flow in Shopify. The system allows for automatic crediting of customer accounts based on specific triggers and actions, particularly focused on cart abandonment recovery and review incentivization.

Flow Components

  1. Tigger Conditions
  2. Action Nodes

Trigger Conditions

The flow begins with two primary triggers:

  • Customer joined segment
  • Customers who abandoned cart

memberr Action Nodes

  1. Credit Store Credit
  2. Reward Review

1. Credit Store Credit

shopify flow memberr store credit flows settings credit store credit

Purpose: Adds store credit to a customer's account

Configuration Parameters:

  • Email: Customer's email address
  • Amount: Credit value in smallest currency denomination (e.g., cents for USD)
  • Store Credit Type: Categorizes the credit purpose

Valid options for Store Credit Type


2. Reward Review

shopify flow memberr store credit flows settings reward review

Configuration Parameters:

  • Email: Reviewer's email
  • Review Timestamp: Time of review submission (variable: {{date}})
  • Media Indicators:
    • Has Photo: Boolean flag for reviews with images
    • Has Video: Boolean flag for reviews with video content

memberr Nodes

shopify flow memberr store credit flows nodes overview