
memberr Klaviyo Merge Fields

The following merge fields are automatically synced to your Klaviyo profiles. These fields can be used for both segmentation and personalization in your email templates.

Available Merge Fields

Currency and Balance Information

FieldDescriptionExample Value
memberr_currency_codeThe currency code used for the customer's Store Credit"USD"
memberr_current_balanceThe raw integer value of available Store Credit (in smallest currency unit)1000
memberr_upcoming_balanceThe raw integer value of pending Store Credit (in smallest currency unit)500
memberr_current_balance_formattedThe formatted decimal value of available Store Credit10.00
memberr_upcoming_balance_formattedThe formatted decimal value of pending Store Credit5.00
memberr_current_balance_with_symbolThe formatted available Store Credit with currency symbol"$10.00"
memberr_upcoming_balance_with_symbolThe formatted pending Store Credit with currency symbol"$5.00"

Customer Information

FieldDescriptionExample Value
memberr_ref_linkThe customer's unique referral link"https://store.com/?memberr-ref=abc123"
memberr_birthdayThe customer's birthday (if provided)"1990-01-01"

Legacy Fields (Deprecated)

The following fields are maintained for backward compatibility but should not be used in new implementations:

memberr_store_credit_current_balanceDeprecated: Use memberr_current_balance_formatted instead
memberr_store_credit_upcoming_balanceDeprecated: Use memberr_upcoming_balance_formatted instead
memberr_store_credit_currency_codeDeprecated: Use memberr_currency_code instead

Usage Examples


You can use these fields to create powerful segments in Klaviyo. Here are some examples:

  1. High-Value Store Credit Holders

    memberr_current_balance_formatted greater than 100

  2. Customers with Upcoming Store Credit

    memberr_upcoming_balance greater than 0

  3. Birthday Month Targeting

    memberr_birthday contains "CURRENT_MONTH"

Email Template Personalization

Here are some examples of how to use these merge fields in your email templates:

Dear {% raw %}{{ first_name }}{% endraw %},
You currently have {% raw %}{{ memberr_current_balance_with_symbol }}{% endraw %} in Store Credit available to spend!
{% raw %}{% if memberr_upcoming_balance > 0 %}{% endraw %}
Good news! You have {% raw %}{{ memberr_upcoming_balance_with_symbol }}{% endraw %} in Store Credit coming soon.
{% raw %}{% endif %}{% endraw %}
Share your referral link with friends: {% raw %}{{ memberr_ref_link }}{% endraw %}

Best Practices

  1. Use Formatted Values for Display: When showing amounts in emails, use the _formatted or _with_symbol versions of the fields for proper formatting.
  2. Raw Values for Segmentation: Use the raw balance fields (without formatting) when creating segments based on numeric comparisons.
  3. Currency Awareness: Always consider the memberr_currency_code when creating segments or displaying amounts to ensure proper currency handling.
  4. Referral Links: The memberr_ref_link is automatically generated and unique to each customer, making it perfect for referral campaigns.