
Klaviyo Integration Quickstart

Connect klaviyo with memberr

Create a klaviyo segment using memberr merge fields

memberr merge fields in klaviyo

The following memberr specific merge fields are available for use in Klaviyo email templates. The merge fields can be seperated into two categories depending on their usage:

  1. Filtering and creating segments
  2. Displaying information in email templates

Filtering and creating segments

The following merge fields can be used for filtering and creating segments based on Store Credit data.

memberr_currency_codeThe currency code of the Store Credit. (e.g. USD, EUR, GBP, etc.)Use for filtering campaigns and creating segments.
memberr_current_balanceThe currently available balance of Store Credit of a customer.Use for filtering campaigns and creating segments.
memberr_upcoming_balanceThe upcoming (not yet available) amount of Store Credit of a customer.Use for filtering campaigns and creating segments.

For email templates

The following merge fields can be used for displaying Store Credit specific information in email templates.

memberr_current_balance_formattedThe formated currently available balance of a custmer. Example: $10.50Use for displaying in email templates.
memberr_upcoming_balance_formattedThe formated upcoming balance of a custmer. Example: $10.50Use for displaying in email templates.

You can learn how to use merge fields in Klaviyo email templates here.