
Review Reward Program Metaobject

The Review Reward Program metaobject allows you to configure and manage rewards for customer reviews based on the type of review (text, photo, or video). This documentation covers how to access and use the metaobject in your Shopify store.

Accessing the Metaobject

To access the Review Reward Program metaobject in your Liquid templates, use the following code:

{%- assign review_program = shop.metaobjects.app--60169453569--review_reward_program.v2 -%}

Available Fields

The Review Reward Program metaobject contains the following fields:

Field NameTypeDescription
is_activeBooleanControls whether the review reward program is currently active
text_rewardMoneyReward amount for text-only reviews
photo_rewardMoneyReward amount for reviews with photos
video_rewardMoneyReward amount for reviews with videos
max_rewarded_reviewsIntegerMaximum number of reviews that can be rewarded per period
reward_period_daysIntegerLength of the period in days for the review limit

Example Usage

Here's a complete example of how to display the Review Reward Program settings in your Liquid template:

{%- comment -%} Review Reward Program {%- endcomment -%}
{%- assign review_program = shop.metaobjects.app--60169453569--review_reward_program.v2 -%}
{% if review_program %}
<h2>Review Reward Program</h2>
<table class="program-table">
<th colspan="2">Program Status</th>
<td>Is Active</td>
<td>{{ review_program.is_active }}</td>
<th colspan="2">Reward Amounts</th>
<td>Text Review Reward</td>
<td>{{ review_program.text_reward.value | money }}</td>
<td>Photo Review Reward</td>
<td>{{ review_program.photo_reward.value | money }}</td>
<td>Video Review Reward</td>
<td>{{ review_program.video_reward.value | money }}</td>
<th colspan="2">Program Limits</th>
<td>Maximum Rewarded Reviews</td>
<td>{{ review_program.max_rewarded_reviews }}</td>
<td>Reward Period</td>
<td>{{ review_program.reward_period_days }} days</td>
{% endif %}

Field Details

Field NameTypePurposeUsage
is_activeBooleanControls the overall activation state of the referral programUse this to conditionally enable or disable the entire review reward functionality
text_rewardMoneyReward amount for text-only reviews(*)
photo_rewardMoneyReward amount for reviews with photos(*)
video_rewardMoneyReward amount for reviews with videos(*)
max_rewarded_reviewsIntegerMaximum number of reviews that can be rewarded per periodWorks in conjunction with reward_period_days to limit rewards to X reviews per Y days
reward_period_daysIntegerLength of the period in days for the review limitCombined with max_rewarded_reviews to create a limit of X reviews per Y days (e.g., 3 reviews per 30 days)

(*) Always use the money filter with .value (e.g., {{ review_program.text_reward.value | money }})

Best Practices

  1. Always check if the metaobject exists before accessing its properties:

{% if review_program %}
// Your code here
{% endif %}

  1. Always use the money filter with .value for reward amounts:

{{ review_program.text_reward.value | money }}
{{ review_program.photo_reward.value | money }}
{{ review_program.video_reward.value | money }}

  1. Display reward tiers in ascending order:

<div class="reward-tiers">
<div class="tier">
<h3>Text Review</h3>
<p>Earn {{ review_program.text_reward.value | money }}</p>
<div class="tier">
<h3>Photo Review</h3>
<p>Earn {{ review_program.photo_reward.value | money }}</p>
<div class="tier">
<h3>Video Review</h3>
<p>Earn {{ review_program.video_reward.value | money }}</p>